Monday 12 December 2011

What is Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium

Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium By binding the virus or toxin-specific , and directly play the effect on the virus.
Antibody function:
The primary function of Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium  is antibodies and antigens (including foreign and their own) combine to effectively clear the microorganisms invade the body, parasites and other foreign matter, antibodies (antibody) response is an antigen produced, with antigen-specific binding proteins. Each with a specific antibody binding epitopes. This combination can make the antigen inactivation, may also be ineffective but sometimes cause pathological damage to the body, such as anti-nuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and some other autoantibodies, can cause the human body hazards.
Initially it was proved by electrophoresis of serum antibody activity in the γ-globulin in part, so once antibody referred to as gamma (γ) globulin. It was discovered that not all antibodies in the γ region; and in the area of γ-globulin necessarily had antibody activity.

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