Friday 30 December 2011

How to get Sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate  is commonly used food preservative, to prevent deterioration sour, the effect of extending shelf life, are widely used in the world. However, in recent years, concerns about its toxicity, makes it of limited in application.
Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid.
Sodium benzoate, also known as benzoic acid, it is also known as sodium benzoate sodium benzoin. Benzoic acid is insoluble in water at room temperature in air (especially the hot air) in the micro-volatile, hygroscopic.
more aboutSodium benzoate + for sale, 
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Thursday 29 December 2011

How to use Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium

Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium presents in all nucleated cells and is the rate-limiting enzyme for synthesis of polyamines.It is used for the cultivation and differentiation of bacteria based on their ability to decarboxylate the amino acid. Bacteria that decaboxylate ornithine turn  the medium turbid purple.
Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium is nice Biochemical medium.
Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium is used for the identification of intestinal species with the ability to produce amino acid decarboxylase.
Original rationale:
Peptone and yeast extract powder to provide nitrogen, vitamins and growth factors; glucose to fermentable sugars; bromocresol purple as pH indicator, acid yellow, purple alkaline; in basic medium by adding lysine, arginine acid and ornithine test whether the bacteria produce the enzyme than the substrate.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Where to get Chloroform

Chloroform is organic chemicals, it is mainly used to produce Freon (F-21, F-22, F-23), dyes and drugs, in medicinefield,it is  used as anesthetic.also Can be used as antibiotics, spices, oils, resins, rubber solvent and extractant.
Chloroform is colorless transparent liquid. It has a special smel and Sweet taste.
Several million tons are produced annually as a precursor to Teflon and refrigerants, but the latter application is being phased out.
Chloroform once was a popular anesthetic; its vapor depresses the central nervous system of a patient, allowing a doctor to perform various otherwise painful procedures.
Grade:Biotechnology grade
CAS: 67-66-3
Molecular Formula: CHCl3
Molecular Weight: 119.38
Specification: 950ml
Storage Condition: Room temperature
More information: Chloroform +manufacturers
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Tuesday 27 December 2011

What is Insulin from bovine pancreas

Insulin from bovine pancreas is extracted from bovine pancreas; the molecular structure has three different amino acids with human insulin, less effective and prone to allergies or insulin resistance. The only advantage of animal insulin is cheap. Patients can easily afford.
Insulin from bovine pancreas is peptide.Bovine insulin is a protein molecule.
Medical functions:
1. Anti-inflammatory effect
2. Anti-atherosclerosis effect
3. Anti-platelet aggregation
4. Treatment of osteoarthritis
5. Treatment of mental illness

Sunday 25 December 2011

MacConkey agar for your choice

MacConkey agar is a culture medium designed to grow Gram-negative bacteria and stain them for lactose fermentation. Acting as a visual pH indicator, the agar distinguishes those Gram-negative bacteria that can ferment the sugar lactose (Lac+) from those that cannot (Lac-).
MacConkey agar is used for isolation and culture of enteric pathogens and non-fermenting bacteria identification.
[Preparation Method]
Peptone 20g, NaCl 5g, bile salts (pigs, cattle, sheep) 5g, lactose 10g, agar 15 ~ 20g, 1% neutral red solution, 5ml, distilled water 1L.
let The above ingredients (except the neutral IR) to weight, and then pour it into the water, heated to dissolve, corrected to pH 7.2 by adding neutral red solution, packaging and sterilization115 ℃20min, cooled to about50 ℃when the pour plate
more aboutMacConkey agar + for sale 
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Thursday 22 December 2011

The function of Taq DNA Polymerase

Taq DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. The enzyme catalyzes 5'=>3' synthesis of DNA, has no detectable 3'=>5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity and possesses low 5'=>3' exonuclease activity. In addition, Taq DNA Polymerase exhibits deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity, which frequently results in the addition of extra adenines at the 3'-end of PCR products. Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase is ideal for standard PCR of templates 5 kb or shorter.
Taq DNA polymerase (recombinant) is cell with a cloned pol gene from Thermus aquaticus YT1.
more information: Taq DNA polymerase + for sale, 
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Wednesday 21 December 2011

The benefits of TaqI

TaqI is cellular-product which is produced by our company.
After 50-fold overdigestion (3u/ug DNA x 17 hours) with TaqI, more than 95% of the DNA fragments can be ligated at a 5'-termini concentration of 1.2uM. More than 95% of these can be recut.
TaqI does not cut TCGm6A. Blocked by overlapping Dam methylation.One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1ug of lambda DNA dam-in 1 hour at 65°C in 50ul of assay buffer.
More information: TaqI +manufacturers

Tuesday 20 December 2011

How to get TasI (TspEI)

TasI (TspEI) is supplied in10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5 at25°C),50 mM KCl,1 mM DTT,0.1 mM EDTA, 0.2 mg/ml BSA and 50% (v/v) glycerol.
TasI (TspEI) is nice and good product.
We will provide you the price list of TasI (TspEI).if you have some questions, please contact us!
More information: wholesale + TasI (TspEI)  
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Monday 19 December 2011

The benefits of TatI

TatI is Suitable for use in ELISA. Other applications have not been tested.
TatI May be stored at 4°C for short-term only. For long-term storage and to avoid repeated freezing and thawing, add sterile glycerol (40-50%), aliquot and store at -20°C. Aliquots are stable for at least 12 months at -20°C. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Further dilutions can be made in assay buffer.
TatI is only intended for research use, not use for human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications without the expressed written authorization of United States Biological.
more information: TatI + for sale 

Sunday 18 December 2011

Supply TauI

TauI is supplied in10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4 at25°C),100 mM KCl,1 mM DTT,1 mM EDTA, 0.2 mg/ml BSA and 50% (v/v) glycerol.
TauI is cellular product which is produced by our company, welcome you to have more informations.
After 10-fold overdigestion with TauI, more than 90% of DNA fragments can be ligated and recut.TauI may remain associated with the cleaved DNA. This may cause DNA band shifting during electrophoresis. To avoid atypical DNA band patterns, use the 6X DNA Loading Dye & SDS Solution for sample preparation or heat the digested DNA in the presence of SDS prior to electrophoresis.
More information: wholesale + TauI
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Thursday 15 December 2011

Where to buy EMB Agar

EMB Agar contains the dyes eosin and methylene blue, which inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and therefore select for gram-negative bacteria.  It also contains the carbohydrate lactose, which allows differentiation of gram-negative bacteria based on their ability to ferment lactose.
EMB Agar is a culture medium containing sugar, eosin, and methylene blue, used in the confirming test for coliform bacteria.
More information: buy+ EMB Agar
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Where to get Sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate is white granules or crystalline powder. Odorless, with sweet astringency.
Sodium benzoate is a preservative drug used in pharmaceutical oral liquid, to prevent sour deterioration and prolong shelf-life results, the amount of human liver would be too much harm, and even cause cancer.
Usages: for Chemical analysis of reagents; for the pharmaceutical industry and plant genetic research.
Molecular formula: C7H5NaO2

Molecular weight: 144g/mol

CAS: 532-32-1
More information: Sodium benzoate + suppliers,

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Are you finding product Mueller-Hinton Broth

Mueller-Hinton Broth Is the microbial growth medium, which is commonly used antibiotic susceptibility testing. It can also be used to isolate and maintain and Mora Neisseria is Freedom of movement and itd color is beige.
Mueller-Hinton Broth usually includes:
30.0% of beef infusion
1.75% of casein hydrolysis
0.15% of the starch
1.7% agar
more aboutMueller-Hinton Broth +manufacturers
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Monday 12 December 2011

What is Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium

Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium By binding the virus or toxin-specific , and directly play the effect on the virus.
Antibody function:
The primary function of Ornithin Decarboxlase Medium  is antibodies and antigens (including foreign and their own) combine to effectively clear the microorganisms invade the body, parasites and other foreign matter, antibodies (antibody) response is an antigen produced, with antigen-specific binding proteins. Each with a specific antibody binding epitopes. This combination can make the antigen inactivation, may also be ineffective but sometimes cause pathological damage to the body, such as anti-nuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and some other autoantibodies, can cause the human body hazards.
Initially it was proved by electrophoresis of serum antibody activity in the γ-globulin in part, so once antibody referred to as gamma (γ) globulin. It was discovered that not all antibodies in the γ region; and in the area of γ-globulin necessarily had antibody activity.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Where to get Triple Sugar Agar

Triple Sugar Agar is a chemical product in industrial.
Production name: Triple Sugar Agar
Production methods:
Making Phenol red agar and the addition of the components other than dissolved in distilled water, correct pH. Adding agar, heated to boiling to dissolve agar. Adding 0.2% phenol red solution 12.5mL, shake. Packing tube, installed capacity should be more in order to obtain a higher bottom.121 ℃autoclave 15min, placed on top slope back.
more about:Triple Sugar Agar+ suppliers
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Thursday 8 December 2011

Supply Trizol Reagent

TRIzol is use reagents which is extracted from cells and tissue total RNA , or homogenized in the sample cracking process, TRIzol RNA integrity can be maintained. After adding chloroform, the solution is divided into aqueous and organic phase, RNA in the aqueous phase. Remove the aqueous phase, use with isopropanol can be recovered RNA.
Trizol Reagent is red color, easy to distinguish between aqueous and organic phase, while maintaining stability of the RNA in maximum.
TRIzol reagent can be used for a small amount of sample (50-100mg tissue, 5 × 106 cells) ,it can also be used for large samples (≥1g organization or ≥ 107 cells), for human, animals, plants and bacteria, blood extraction are applicable, while processing a large number of different samples. An hour to complete the reaction, no DNA extracted total RNA and protein contamination, can be used for Northern blot, RT-PCR, Dot blot, RNase protection analysis.
more about:buy+ Trizol Reagent
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Supply Insulin from bovine pancreas

Insulin from bovine pancreas is a regulating glucose metabolism protein hormone which is extrated from islet β-cells secrete of bovine.
Insulin from bovine pancreas is a hormone that has extensive effects on metabolism and other body functions.It is often used medically to treat some forms of diabetes mellitus.
Medical functions:
1. Anti-inflammatory effect
2. Anti-atherosclerosis effect
3. Anti-platelet aggregation
4. Treatment of osteoarthritis
5. Treatment of mental illness

Tuesday 6 December 2011

The benefits of Triple Sugar Agar

Triple Sugar Agar is nice and cheap product.
Triple Sugar Agar is culture medium; it is Chemical materials and chemical reagents in industry.
Production methods:
Phenol red agar and the addition of the components other than dissolved in distilled water, corrected pH. Adding agar, heated to boiling to dissolve agar. Adding 0.2% phenol red solution 12.5mL, shake. Packing tube, installed capacity should be more in order to obtain a higher bottom.121 ℃autoclave 15min, placed on top slope back.
more about:Triple Sugar Agar +manufacturers
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Monday 5 December 2011

The use of MacConkey Agar

MacConkey Agar is nice and good product, MacConkey agar is a culture medium which is designed to grow Gram-negative bacteria and stain them for lactose fermentation.
Making procedures:
1 .Let peptone, bile salts and sodium chloride dissolve in 400mL distilled water, the correction pH7.2. The agar by adding 600mL
Heat it in order to dissolve. Merge the two fluids, packing in the flask, 121 15min spare autoclave.
2 temporary use when heated to melt the agar, lactose added hot and cold to 50 ~ 55 , adding crystal violet and neutral red solution, shake well and pour plate.
Note: The crystal violet and neutral red solution should autoclave.
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Sunday 4 December 2011

The use of sulfuric acid

sulfuric acid is one of six inorganic acid and it  is also  one of the most common acid in our daily life.
 Sulfuric acid, its chemical formula is H2SO4 and is a colorless ,odorless oily liquid, is a high boiling point volatile acid which is difficult to soluble in water, and can miscible with water in any ratio.Sulfuric acid is one of  important products in chemical industry products. It is not only as raw materials for a number of chemical industry, but also widely used in other economic sectors.
Sulfuric acid is usually uesed in the metallurgical industry , especially in the process of non-ferrous metal is also uesed to produce the petroleum industry gasoline, lubricants and other petroleum products.
more about:wholesale +Sulfuric acid
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Thursday 1 December 2011

Where to buy XapI (ApoI)

Product name:XapI (ApoI)    
Specification: 500U/2500U
Source:Xanthomonas ampelina Slo 51–021
Form:Supplied as a liquid (Storage Buffer) in10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4,100mM KCl,1mM DTT,1mM EDTA, 0.2mg/ml BSA and 50% glycerol.
Description:One unit is defined as the amount of XapI required to digest 1ug of lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37°C in 50ul of assay buffer.No detectable change in the specific fragmentation pattern is observed after 15-fold overdigestion with XapI(15u/ug lambda DNA x 1 hours) .
more about:XapI (ApoI)  +manufacturers
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