Thursday 24 November 2011

Where to look for MacConkey Agar

 MacConkey Agar is used to identify E. coli and Salmonella. In the medium, eosin and methylene blue as indicator, the medium was made ​​of lavender. E. coli can break down the lactose in the medium and produce acid, can eosin methylene blue combined with black compounds, sometimes with a fluorescent, salmonella can not break down lactose, so the colony color and the same medium, eosin and methylene blue also can inhibit Gram-positive bacteria growing.
MacConkey agar lactose fermentation is mainly through identification of intestinal bacteria, it can inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria at the same time. the bacteria can ferment lactose medium red, this is because the bacteria ferment lactose produce acid medium leaving the PH plant becomes acidic. Bacteria do not ferment lactose, no color change. It is used to isolate and culture for enteric pathogens.
more about:buy  MacConkey Agar 
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