Thursday 3 November 2011

L-Phenylalanine for sale

L-Phenylalanine (PA) is an essential amino acid discussed in Dr. Slagle's book The Way UP From Down. Used to help low mood, low energy, low drive & motivation, maintaining healthy weight.
Fifty to seventy-five percent of L-Phenylalanine is converted to L-Tyrosine in your liver so all that applies to tyrosine applies to L-Phenylalanine.
The rest of L-Phenylalanine is converted to other products which account for it having some additional effects beyond those of tyrosine. One other product is the neurotransmitter phenylethylamine (PEA) which has amphetamine-like effects, meaning it is mentally & physically stimulating. Studies have shown some depressed people have lower levels of PEA. These people may find phenylalanine helpful with their low moods.
Besides producing norepinephrine, dopamine, epinephrine, adrenaline & thyroid, phenylalanine is also a constituent of important brain neuropeptides, somatostatin, vasopressin, melanotropin, ACTH, substance P, encephalin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, angiotensin II, & cholecystokinins.
Because of its cholecystokinin effect, PA can help maintain a appetite.
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