Monday 16 January 2012

Important informations about Tinogard TT

Tinogard TT protects rinse-off products as well as leave on formulations efficiently against thermo-oxidative degradation (e.g. rancidification and color changes).
TINOGARD TT is sterically hindered phenolic antioxidants that, dues to their unique molecular design, are non-volatile and provide non-yellowing performance in oil- and fat-based formulations.It is soluble in most oils, fatty acids and fragrances, thus it can be used in oil based formulations to prevent discoloration and fragrance deterioration.
Tinogard TT is a sterically hindered phenolic antioxidant, and it is a highly effective, non-discoloring stabilizer to prevent deterioration of ingredients sensitive to oxidation, such as perfumes, natural oils, fatty acids and the like.
More information: Tinogard TT +manufacturers
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1 comment:

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